for the Honorable Ezekiel Lul Gatkuoth, Minister of Petroleum and Mining, Republic of South Sudan
Good evening, Honorable Minister.
Since you have yet to respond to these questions and to my request for an interview in which I could pose them, I am taking the liberty of addressing you in this way.
A week ago, Al Jazeera published a report and a video
detailing the devastating effects on the health of residents of the former Unity State by the pollution of water with oil wastes.
It contained shocking footage of a little girl crippled by this pollution.
Corroborative evidence of the oil-caused poisoning of the water consumed by people in this region and its consequences for health was provided by journalists reporting for Juba‘s Eye Radio.
My questions:
What exactly is your government‘s plan to help the victims of this pollution?
Do you support their urgent calls for their being compensated for loss of health, livelihood and homes?
I would greatly appreciate also getting any comments you might have on this.
Joseph Oduha,
Journalist, For South Sudan