We have a winner! Post author:Terry Swartzberg Here are the most powerful photos of our Stop #BloodOil in South Sudan photo competition. Deadly pond – filled with witches’ brew of lead and other oil wastesDeadly stream – oil wastes on their ways to the NileDisposal of oil wastes – lead-heavy – in wetland in South SudanUnfit for consumption – only thing that cattle have to drink: water poisoned with leadWastes from oil well feeding into a stream serving a community in South SudanOil spilling out of production unit in South SudanOil leaking into soil and groundwaterPoison pit – filled with lead and other toxic oil wastesFlushing out oil wastes – into the environmentOnly ways South Sudanese have to store water – containers still contaminated with oil chemicalsPit holding lead and other oil-produced poisons And here’s the winner: Playing in pollution: children frolicking in lead-poisoned water You Might Also Like From the report compiled and published by UNEP Powerful video from our network We’re hungry