Multinationals have to assume responsibility for crises they are perpetrating upon humanity
Call by German NGO Sign of Hope
Case in point: Petronas’ contamination of water, lives and environment in South Sudan
August 19th is World Humanitarian Day. On it, the world pays tribute to the persons and organizations who and which strive to solve the crises affecting humanity.
Many of these crises are caused by such multinationals as Petronas. This Malaysian oil giant has helped create one of the world’s most devastating environmental and human rights crises: the contamination of water and land in South Sudan. At least 600,000 people, millions of livestock and thousands of hectares of farmland and of such precious habitats as the Sudd wetlands have been negatively and dramatically affected by this contamination.
Sign of Hope has dedicated itself to helping these victims. To that end, and on the occasion of World Humanitarian Day 2018, this Germany-based NGO will step up its rehabilitation of boreholes deep enough to provide the people of South Sudan with what they so urgently need: an adequate supply of clean water.
Sign of Hope’s urgent plea on World Humanitarian Day 2018: Petronas and other multinationals have to assume responsibility for the crises they have helped create – by taking the measures so desperately needed to alleviate them.
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