Exclusive for forsouthsudan.com
June 4, 2020
‘An immediate stop to the pumping, transporting and exporting of crude oil in and from South Sudan’ is the thrust of the motion being placed today in the East African Court of Justice.
The respondents are Greater Pioneer Operating Company (GPOC) and Dar Petroleum Operating Company (DPOC), the consortia responsible for the preponderance of oil production and transport in South Sudan.
The motion is being brought by the Juba-based Pan African Law Chambers and by its Kampala-based associate.
The motion also seeks an immediate enjoining of the oil companies from the undertaking of programs or initiating of policies that could have a further negative impact on the environment in South Sudan.
Drawing upon a detailed brief submitted by the highly-respected Joseph Oduha that details the negative consequences of GPOC’s and DPOC’s pumping of oil, the injunction is designed to provide immediate relief to the people of South Sudan. A long-term improvement of their lot is to come from another motion lodged with the East African Court of Justice by the same attorneys: for the government of South Sudan to compensate its people for the loss of health, livelihood and homes.