Breaking news:
“For permitting ecocide by oil companies”
South Sudanese attorneys successfully lodge suit against government in East African Court of Justice
April 25, 2020
By Joseph Oduha
The government of South Sudan is going to have answer in court to charges of having enabled the “genocide practiced upon the country’s environment” by oil consortia.
“The government must be held accountable for the destruction of the environment – “ecocide” – committed by the GPOC and Dar Petroleum consortia in South Sudan’s northern, oil-producing regions,” states attorney Wani Santino Jada, spokesperson for the group.
He continues: “The suit was filed this week. We are now waiting for our day in court. We are hopeful that justice will prevail, and that this will impel both the government and the oil consortia to make amends and change their practices.”
Many of the findings upon which the suit is based were compiled and reported by such international organizations as Sign of Hope and The Sentry.
Wani Santino Jada states: “Our objective is very simple: to put an end to oil pollution in South Sudan.”