Techniques of calculating extent of oil pollution in your country: in Sign of Hope’s report to the United Nations on the poisoning of South Sudan

Techniques of calculating extent of oil pollution in your country: in Sign of Hope’s report to the United Nations on the poisoning of South Sudan

March 16, 2021

One hundred countries and one hundred million people are directly affected by oil pollution.

Through oil spills, leaks and wastes. Through drilling and other fluids.

And these fluids’ poisoning these countries’ water and land.

And through this poisoning of habitats’ leading to destruction of human and environmental health.

This poisoning has made getting rid of this “black tide” of oil pollution a matter of life-or-death for the victims, their interests’ advocates, and the international bodies charged with the protection of human and environmental rights.

Requisite to get a comprehensive and in-depth assessment of this poisoning and its effects:

Techniques that enable you to take the figures available on oil production and – using industry-standard yardsticks – transform them into high-plausibility assumptions.

These techniques are detailed in the report recently submitted by the Germany-headquartered Sign of Hope to the UN’s Human Rights Council.

Read the report: