News flash: urgent, utterly heartbreaking petition received from CSO in Bentiu

News flash: urgent, utterly heartbreaking petition received from CSO in Bentiu

From: People’s Initiative Development Organization
To: Honorable Major General Dr. Joseph Monytuil Wejang
Governor of Northern Liech State, Bentiu

Re: Request for urgent intervention to address the environmental pollution caused by oil spillage

We the undersigned present to you the following petition:
We are writing to bring to your attention the leakage from oil wells located on the Unity, Male and Tharjath oil fields, and from the Tang-Rial, Manga and Kaikang oil processing facilities. This oil spillage has damaged and contaminated settlements in the area. Pools, streams and swamps have also been polluted, leading to the loss of animal and some human lives.

This oil leakage is being caused by the oil companies, which do not have proper methods of disposing of oil. This untold, pollution-caused suffering gives rise to a need to address the situation. The oil companies have the legal obligation to reclaim the land damaged by pollution, and to compensate the communities adversely affected by the operations of the oil facilities.

We beseech you to use your good offices by reaching out to the National Ministry of Petroleum and to the oil companies, and to thus bring about the reclaiming of the land in our area and the compensation of the families for their loss of loved ones and livestock.

Kerubino Pow
Executive Director, PIDO South Sudan

Founded in 2005, the People’s Initiative Development Organization (PIDO) has become a leading facilitator of effective grassroots action in South Sudan’s communities. The thrust of PIDO’s work is helping the South Sudanese effectively address their pressing concerns, which include land management, registration, acquisition, restitution and compensation, and the resolution of disputes about such. Through its locally-staged and provided workshops, events and educational materials, PIDO  assists residents’ defense of their human and environmental rights.

Since 2009, PIDO has been headed by Kerubino Pow, a leading human rights organizer.