Grassroots journalism!

Eyewitness reports from courageous journalists

Report #1: Pariang: Polluted desert land | By Simon Bingo

PARIANG – Oil exploration in South Sudan’s Unity State takes a heavy toll on the environment. Residents and their animals suffer from diseases caused by contaminated drinking water:

Report #2: Officials warn oil taints drinking water in South Sudan’s Unity State | By Bonifacio Taban

BENTIU – Drinking water in South Sudan’s Unity State near the oil fields is unsafe, according to officials who are warning people living near the fields that crude is leaking into groundwater in the area:’s-Unity-State.htm

Report #3: Local communities pay high price for South Sudan’s oil production | By Waakhe Simon

KUOR – Kuor village smells of chemical waste dumped in nearby lagoons. The dumping grounds are just one kilometre away from communities in Kuor Village of Rubkona County in Unity State and endanger their water supply:’s-oil-production.htm

Chemicals used for the production of crude oil at the Unity State oil wells, November 3.